Together in Sacrifice | Together Easter Series
Reading | John 12:1-11
You know what a person values by what they’re willing to sacrifice. After Jesus raises her brother Lazarus from the dead, it is no wonder that Mary responds with sacrificial worship.
Mary poured out an entire jar of perfume on the feet of Jesus. Verse 5 tells us that was the equivalent to an entire year’s wages. Can you imagine? According to the Social Security Administration, the average net income for individuals in the U.S. in 2019 was $51,916.27. Would you buy a $52,000 bottle of perfume and pour it out on someone’s feet?
Mary not only chose to bring an extravagant gift, but she did so in front of others. In a time when women were not invited to sit at the feet of a rabbi, Mary interrupted a room full of men to adore the Christ. In so doing, an unlikely gesture modeled sacrifice for a community of disciples. Jesus’s response implies the power of adoration. In fact, He encourages extravagant acts of worship.
That’s what community does. It pours out, lifts up, and worships well. Because of Jesus, we know how to be together in sacrifice.
Call a friend who has inspired you to worship with extravagance. Tell them what their testimony has meant to you.
Photo by Kenneth Kevin Media