Together in Service | Together Easter Series
Reading | John 13:1-17
Imagine you’re at the county fair. You have just walked for hours on ground that’s covered in spilled soda, farm animal feces, and maybe even vomit from the kid who couldn’t stomach the twisty-turny rides. Now imagine a pastor is standing at the exit of the fairgrounds cleaning the gum off the bottom of your shoes as you exit. One by one, shoes covered in grime become shoes cleaned in kindness.
In ancient Jewish culture, it was expected for the servants of the lowest class to wash the feet of the host and guests. It doesn’t make sense that Jesus would take on this responsibility as the most powerful person in the room! But in John 13:3, we find out that it’s precisely because of His power that Jesus chose to lower His position.
Jesus is doing more than teaching a lesson; He is modeling a lifestyle. In a culture where power meant prestige, Jesus showed that leading means laying down your life for others.
That’s what community does. It bends low, seeks out, and moves toward. Because of Jesus, we know how to be together in service.
How has God uniquely gifted you? Who has He providentially put in your path? Ask the Father to show you how to forge community through service using what He has given you.
Photo by Kenneth Kevin Media